The car insurance went up last month because our son decided to read a text and bump into a park car a while back. Our daughter is getting her driver’s license next month. That is another increase. The mortgage went up a bit because the escrow was not fully covering the taxes and insurance. Add to that my wife being cut back in hours at work, and we have a problem. I went online looking for savings, and the first place I went was to to see what we could save on our electric bill every month. Deregulation was finally going to pay off for us.
Every little bit helps when it comes to saving money. I switched providers for our electricity to save a percentage on our monthly electric bill. Then I looked to see if we could save money on our insurances. My wife got more diligent about printing coupons and finding bargains. The kids actually started to listen and shut off the lights and TV when they leave a room. All of us decided to keep our clothes nice so we did not have to buy anything new for a little while.
It was amazing how all of it added up to making it so we could get by with the income we had pretty much as comfortable as we were doing before the added expenses and lost work hours. I had no idea how low you could go with a per kilowatt hour electric contract until I looked. Cutting our rate in half for the electricity we used sure is saving us every month. Being more diligent about conserving is helping a lot too. I am glad this all happened. Our son knows the dangers of texting and driving. So does our daughter since she was in the car with him when he goofed up. All in all this is working out for our benefit.