We still want a home phone line. We do have unlimited minutes on our cell phones, but I like having a house phone. I was looking online for the phone service by the best and most reliable company. I had tried a couple of different options in the past and was not really impressed. I was actually hoping to get a bundled phone and Internet service plan. I do not mind VOIP service. The good ones let you still be able to access your own local 911. Of course, your Internet service has to be active to use voice over Internet protocol telephone service.
I did want unlimited calling locally, nationally and with some unlimited international calling too. We have relatives in Canada. I wanted the standard features of voicemail, call forwarding, call waiting too. One thing I absolutely did not want was to have to have some sort of advertising showing up on my computer for having phone service. Did you know that there is a service out there that operates like that? We had that for about a week before stopping it.
I just want clear calls and the features I mentioned as well as reliability. You got to have reliability in any phone service you have at home. This is what got me looking into the phone service by the best company out there that provides home phone service. Do you remember when there was only one choice? Not too hard to decide who to pick back then. It was a take it or not type of situation. Now we have a lot of choices for phone service. Some are a whole lot better than others. I think it is important to review the fine print to see what you are getting when you sign up for new phone service at home.